RSL Active - Yoga (Riverton Rnd 1) - 60min beginner friendly yoga (16Jul24

In todays session we commenced our veteran/first responder round at Riverton RSL sub-branch to a full house of participants.

Starting from the ground up we covered:


1. Instructor - Andy (Yoga Mate) intro

2. Somatic Tapping of neck, arms and chest

3. Warm up of necks - yes/no/ear to shoulder

4. Lungs via 3 part belly breathing - Easy Seated Arm Raise

5. Easy Seat - Twist

6. Easy Seat - Side Stretch

7. Set intention for practice

8. Easy windshield wipers

Spinal Warmup

1. Cat / Cow

2. Side Cat / Cow

3. Chair Modification Cat / Cow & Side Cat/Cow

4. Tabletop

Sun Salutation A (modified)

1. Mountain Pose

2. Forward Fold

3. Halfway Lift

4. Tabletop to High Plank (beginner transition)

5. Chair modification for above


1. Lying supine twist

2. Savasana (Final resting pose)

3. Gratitude for intention of practice

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