RSL Active - Yoga (WCHA Summer Series Rnd3) - 60min beginner friendly yoga (eagle pose)

This week at West Coast Health Alliance facilitator, Andy (Yoga Mate) takes our particpants through a 60min beginner friendly flow for RSL Active Yoga.

Arrival & Warmup - Jaw Release, Somatic Tapping, Breath of fire (3 part breath & release), arrival and theme setting (Eagle Pose), knee to head (cat/cow), knee to head twist, knee to head side stretch, baby wild thing, Repeat other side.

Standing & Balance - mountain, forward fold, halfway lift (option to fly the arms), eagle arms forward fold w/ eagle arms, stork w/ eagle arms to baby tree, repeat other side.

Mountain - wide legged, wide legged fold & twist L + R, crescent lunge w/ eagle arms (raise and lower), airplane, stork repeat other side. Mountain, eagle arms, stork, eagle pose, repeat other side.

Seated / Finale - staff pose, forward fold w/ strap, 1/2 lord of the fishes (twist), L + R, reverse tabletop, supported boat w/toe taps, supported legs up the wall, savasana / seated meditation, outro theme to finale.

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