RSL Active - Yoga (Riverton Rnd 4) - 60 min beginner friendly yoga (13Aug24)

It was a full house at this weeks RSL Active - veteran yoga session hosted by Riverton sub-branch and how far our in-person participants have come in a few short weeks.

In the lesson - Introduction:

Mountain, extended mountain, forward fold,

Mountain, extended mountain w/ twists, forward fold, halfway lift

Standing crossed leg banana

Chair modified - sun salutations

Standing and balance:

Chair, stork, forward fold, helicopter turns,

Stork, hip opening helicopter turns

wide leg, warrior 2

wide leg, warrior 2, reverse warrior

Wide leg, warrior 2, reverse warrior, extended side angle, warrior 2

Seated and core:

Seated/reclined single leg raises, double foot leg raise (modified boat)

Supported (single) leg up the wall, strap single leg hip opener and cross stretch


Supine twists - windshield wipers

Finale - Mindful meditation - Appreciating the job in things

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