RSL Active - Yoga (Belmont Rd 1) - 60min beginner friendly yoga (10sep24)

This week we commenced our round of RSL Active - Veteran / First Responder yoga at Belmont RSL which was met with enthusiasm by the sub-branch members.

Session 1 - Foundations included:

Intro - Who is (Yoga Mate) Andy & RSL Active? expectations of program deliverables and outcomes

Arrival - Neck stretches, somatic tapping, neck rolls, mountain pose, extended mountain pose, forward fold, diaphramatic breath, halfway lift (with chair modifications), reset gyroscope, stork pose - hip opener rotate 360 - repeat OS

Standing poses - Standing banana, chair, forward fold (with chair modifications), forward fold twists L&R

Lying poses - Wind release pose (single leg), supine twist (with chair modification)

Finale - Savasana (Final resting / corpse pose) & Mindful / Breath meditation

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